• Sales Enablement: A Source of Confusion

    The role of sales enablement has expanded significantly over recent years, rapidly becoming one of the most substantial investments organizations make to boost their sales performance.

    Despite this rapid expansion, the concept still perplexes the sales industry.

    Research from Gartner indicates that sellers in organizations with intricate "sales enablement" systems often experience lower conversion rates compared to those without such systems. This is counterintuitive!

    The reason behind this paradox is that "sales enablement" frequently involves a complex assortment of tools, systems, approvals, processes, platforms, and other elements that are cumbersome to use, hard to access, and distract from essential tasks. Gartner’s study shows that as internal complexity increases, the burden on salespeople can rise by up to 62%.

    The problem is evident when examining the complicated nature of current "sales enablement" solutions and their components. The technology landscape of "sales enablement" alone is extensive, as illustrated by the chart from Smart Selling Tools.

    When you factor in the various related fields such as training, strategy, process, and content, along with the necessary collaboration to integrate everything, it’s clear why confusion prevails and sales organizations face challenges.